Year of Snake 

Year of Snake is my latest exercise for creating collage-ish graphic design as a celebration for the year of Snake. It is a no-brainer during the process and intriguing to make. 

Weekly Challenges

Weekly challenges is a design challenge that I have been doing since the beginning of summer 2024, the goal is to create a poster/design on every Friday and share it onto the social media.

HYDRO FLASK x Peter Wang

"Hydro Flask x Peter Wang" was a school project that I transformed into a package design and promotional concept. Drawing inspiration from Taiwan’s diverse landscapes, the design integrates the mountains and sea, blending minimalism with cultural elements. By aligning with Hydro Flask’s brand identity—celebrating outdoor activities and an adventurous spirit—this project creates a visual connection between nature, exploration, and cultural storytelling.

Vogue Logo Animation

This project was a practice in creating a logo animation for the fashion brand Vogue. The animation reflects Vogue's brand identity— elegance —through fluid shapes and refined lines, embodying the way the brand presents itself to me.


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